Ardhi University
Contact person
Prof. Gabriel Kasenga
Ardhi University (ARU) was established after transforming the former University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS) which was then a constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam as of the 1 July 1996.
ARU comprises six schools, the Institute for Human Settlement Studies (IHSS), the University Library and various other academic units and training centres. The six schools are: School of Architecture and Design (SADE), School of Construction Economics and Management (SCEM), School of Environmental Science and Technology (SGST), School of Real Estate (SRES) and School of Urban and regional Planning (SURP). The University offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (postgraduate: diploma, master´s and PhDs).
The university currently enrols about 2,200 students and has 200 teaching staff of which 35% hold PhDs. ARU maintains strong links with various local and regional institutions, such as Sida, CARNEGIE, DNIDA, NORAD, etc.
Role of the organisation in the project
The role of ARU will be to assist in the coordination of various activities to ensure smooth running of the project under the INTRA ACP programme. ARU will also share with various stakeholders the various opportunities available within the programme, particularly those related to mobility of staff and students.