University of Buea
Contact person
Prof. Nalova Lyonga
The University of Buea (UB) is one of the seven state-owned universities in the Republic of Cameroon. It was created in 1993 and modelled on the English-speaking university tradition. Consequently from its inception it has been linguistically and structurally unique, having English as the language of instruction and the credit system-all within a nationa and sub-regional economic zone (i.e. Central Africa/ CEMAC) which is predominantly Francophone. It nevertheless has a mixed population of English and French speaking students, reflecting the bilingual nature of Cameroon.
There are seven faculties (Arts, Education, Health Sciences, Science, Social and Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology and Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine); a College of Technology and an Advanced school of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI). Presently, UB has 360 permanent faculty members and over 200 part-time teaching staff drawn from other universities and institutions. The current registered student population is 15, 819,000. In addition, UB has some Centres of Excellence in Science, translation, gender, health, journalism, linguistis and bilingual studies. UB has also the UNESCO chair in special needs education.
Role of the organisation in the project
The University of Buea (UB) is a collaborative partner in implementing mobility, laising between candidates who are applying for this Intra-ACP mobility. It plays an important role in marketing the programme in non-participating Central Africa and especially the francophone nations. It markets it through its academic linkages in the region. With the experience it has in gender, hosting the centre of excellence in gender and UNESCO chair in special needs education, UB guides the SC and the PB on gender and equity issues during the implementation.