Students and Staff Mobility
- Exchange students
An exchange student is registered at a university (home university) and temporarily studies at a partner university (i.e. host university). Exchange students do not have to obtain a qualification from the host institution. However, all academic results will be sent to the students' home university and will be recognized using the two ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) tools: the learning agreement and the transcript of records. The Partners commit to using the ECTS system or to convert the local grades and credits into the ECTS system in order to facilitate the academic recognition for each participating student.
Exchange students need the approval of their home and host university. The Partners commit to recognizing the mobility period abroad based on a Learning Agreement that will be signed by the home university and the host university.
Exchange students pay registration or tuition fees to the respective home university (where applicable) and must not pay registration or tuition fees at the host university.
- Degree seeking students
Students can apply for a full degree program only in case they belong to Target Group 1 and Target Group 2. A degree student registers at a partner University and is not registered at any other University in the home country. Degree students completing the program will obtain the relevant qualification from the host university.
The Partners commit to reciprocally recognize the qualifications earned by the program participants at one of the Partner Institutions under the present project. The Partners commit to seeking long-term recognition of studies between institutions through ECTS or other compatible systems.
- Staff/Scholar mobilities
Staff mobilities caters for both scholars and administrative / management staff who are permanently employed with the Partner and Associate Institutions. Beneficiaries are nominated from their host institutions and undergo similar selection process as for the student mobilities. Staff completing the mobility program will obtain participation certificates from the host university.